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12 Month Bun Box Subscription + T-Shirt of the Month
Bunny Bonanza Annual + T-shirt Club
Our most value-packed tier! With Bunny Bonanza Annual, you get an amazing deal by subscribing for a full year. You'll receive monthly boxes at the lowest price per box as well as an adorable bunny themed T-shirt, ensuring you and your bunnies have a year filled with joy and surprises.
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What will you get:
1 wooden item (toy/feeder) handcrafted in Ukraine
1 bunny themed T-shirt
1-2 handmade treats
1-2 handmade forage toys
1-2 chew toys
Bed of Timothy hay!
When will you get it:
First box ships immediately. Following boxes ship from the 15th to the 20th of every month. Expect delivery within a week.